Wednesday, 30 April 2014

is this riding the waves?

a young one walking his bike round the Autumn waters at Dromana beach...

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Monday, 28 April 2014

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Saturday, 26 April 2014

in an autumn garden...

Mum and child wandering the gardens at the Enchanted Maze Garden, Arthurs Seat...

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Monday, 21 April 2014

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Friday, 18 April 2014

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

fingers crossed?

young boy adopts an unusual stance as he watches the birds on the water
at the Enchanted Maze Garden, Arthurs Seat...

Monday, 14 April 2014

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Friday, 11 April 2014

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Sunday, 6 April 2014

serious business...

great range of serious expressions on these faces from HMAS Cerberus,
on parade in the 2011 Westernport Festival at Hastings...

Saturday, 5 April 2014

joy of open carriage...

older couple travelling in an open carriage in the 2011 Westernport Festival at Hastings...

Friday, 4 April 2014

children on parade...

smiling faces from primary school children in the 2011 Westernport Festival parade at Hastings...

Thursday, 3 April 2014

smile in the parade...

lovely smiling lady riding in an Austin Seven at the 2011 Westernport Festival parade at Hastings...

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

he doesn't seem too sure...

young one seems a bit hesitant about getting his kite airbourne
at the recent Kite Festival on the Rosebud foreshore...
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